Hi and thanks for coming by to check out my web site! You got here, so clearly you know my name already – Rochelle Grayson ;-) And, here’s what I look like (well, at least at six weeks old ;-) …yes, even online, it’s nice to put a face to a name, right?!
Who am I? Well, for starters check out my About page…but, beyond what’s there, I’m a curious and dynamic lover of all things technology, entertainment, and business. Interesting mix, huh? What really turns my crank are tools and experiences that let people play (innocently) with one another in the here and now. Still not sure what I mean? Think about the crazy collision course of mobile, web, social communities and entertainment and I’m at the heart of that impact and it feels really good!
I’m also a huge fan of bold (some might say loud) colors…just like this website ;-)
Want to start a conversation or do you have something really interesting to share? Drop me line! I look forward to hearing what you have to say…believe me, I certainly can’t keep up with everything that’s going on!
I’m looking forward to 2008 and all of the amazing experiences that will pop up in the “social media” space! (I hear that’s what they’re calling it now! ;-)
Happy New Year!